
A multi-purpose Discord bot

Trusted by 1100 members

In 25 communities

Music streaming

Use Hootsifer's one of a kind Owlet system and listen to music in a multitude of channels at once!

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Voice channel privacy

Create your own invite-only voice channel in 1 click!

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Get notified

Get a personal message from Hootsifer whenever your friend joins the voice chat!

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Happy Birthday!

Keep track of your friend's birthdays and automatically congratulate them with their own role!

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Moderate with ease

Moderate your community easily and effectively with Hootsifer's unique tools designed with the biggest of communities in mind!

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Level leaderboard

Gain experience with each message and get rewards!

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Express yourself!

Easily configure self roles for your community and watch your community express themselves!

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Never forget

Set reminders for yourself and never forget to do that one thing again!

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